If you’re HIV-positive, there are steps you can take to prevent transmitting HIV to others and you can access needed care to help you manage your own health.



Receiving a positive test result for HIV can be overwhelming. Knowing what care and treatment services are available and how to access them is key to living well with HIV. In Florida, there are a variety of confidential services available to help improve your quality of life, and many of these services are available for free.


Treatments and emotional support can lead to longer, healthier lives for people with HIV. The more you know about this chronic illness, the more you’ll be able to work with health care providers to manage your own care.


HIV is a chronic illness and living with it can be overwhelming at times. To help you begin the process of entering care and treatment, your primary health care or case management provider can refer you to a counselor, social worker, someone living with HIV or AIDS, or a mental health professional. If you have HIV, there are agencies that provide HIV-related services that can help you get the care you need. For more information call the Florida HIV/AIDS Hotline 1-800-352-2437.




It is crucial that people living with HIV begin treatment as soon as possible. Immediate treatment typically leads to a long, healthy life. There are a number of specific programs working to connect people to care and maintain that care over time. We invite community providers, consumers, patient care advocates, clinical staff, and others to be a part of the linkage team that assists people living with HIV.
Treatment as Prevention

If you test positive for HIV, treatment should start immediately. Studies show that individuals who start treatment right away stay healthier longer and have a lower viral load. Viral load is the term used to describe the amount of HIV in your blood. If your viral load is lower you are less likely to transmit HIV to others.

Medication Adherence

Medication adherence means sticking to an HIV regimen—taking HIV medication exactly as prescribed. Side effects, stigma, and barriers to access all can make it difficult to stick to an HIV regimen, but HIV medications prevent HIV from multiplying, which protects the immune system and reduces the risk of drug resistance and HIV treatment failure.

Medication Assistance

Florida’s AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP) helps people with HIV stay healthy by providing access to HIV prescription medications to eligible applicants who are uninsured or do not have adequate prescription coverage. Visit today to see if you qualify for help.

Medical Care

If you’re living with HIV and need help with medical care, there are services in Florida that you may be eligible for. The Florida Department of Health’s HIV Patient Care and Treatment Access Program works with organizations around the state to provide services to eligible clients in all counties.

Housing Assistance

Having a stable living environment plays a major role in the health of people with HIV. The Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) program is a federally-funded initiative that helps people maintain stable housing, and have access to treatment and support services — which can all lead to better health.

In Florida, eleven regional agencies and six cities deliver HOPWA-funded housing services. If you need assistance to remain in your current housing or obtain new housing, have a conversation with your local HOPWA provider agency to find out if they can help you.

Depression and Mental Health

Depression and mental health issues can lower the quality of life for people with HIV and their families. Mental health issues can also affect participation in HIV care and treatment programs. The Florida HIV/AIDS Hotline can link you to services that address this.

Stigma and Disclosure

Disclosing one’s HIV status is an extremely personal decision that people living with HIV face every day. Stigma occurs when others are prejudiced toward or discriminate against a person or group of people. Stigma heavily impacts personal and community prevention efforts, and can have an effect on whether or not someone feels comfortable enough to disclose their HIV status.

Safer Sex

Practicing safer sex is important for everyone and particularly for HIV-positive individuals. Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) such as herpes, human papillomavirus (HPV), syphilis, and even other strains of HIV can be more serious for people living with HIV and can have an effect on an already compromised immune system. It is critical to continue to practice safer sex even if you and your partner are both HIV-positive. It is possible to contract different strains of HIV, which may not respond to your current HIV medications. As new strain could also potentially be resistant to other HIV drugs, making it more difficult to treat.


If you are pregnant, or planning to become pregnant, it is very important that you are tested for HIV during your pregnancy. If you test positive for HIV, you can take steps to prevent your baby from acquiring HIV.