We have the power to both prevent and treat HIV. Half of people living with HIV had acquired the virus three or more years before their diagnosis. Earlier diagnosis leads to more successful treatment, so getting tested and learning your HIV status is crucial to your health. There’s also a public health impact of knowing your HIV status. Ending the HIV epidemic hinges on preventing new transmissions.
Angel Gabriel Nelson

Protect Yourself

The “Protect Yourself” campaign encourages members of the community to find a local HIV testing center, get tested, and learn more about HIV treatment and prevention. With each piece, we celebrate diversity, courage and love by inviting anyone at risk to consider not only themselves, but also their friends and loved ones.
Real People. Real Stories Creative Campaign
Angel Nelson Campaign Poster Carlitos Diaz Campaign Poster Chris Cuevas shares his Real Life. Real Story Daniel Downer shares his Real Life. Real Story. Gabriella Rodriguez Shares her Real Life. Real Story. Daniel Mervil shares his Real Life. Real Story Gabriella Rodriguez Shares her Real Life. Real Story. Daniel, Angel and Carlitos share their Real Life. Real Story. Ken Terrell Campaign Poster Leonides Soler Campaign Poster


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